Attention please. Restrooms are located in car number 1 at the front of the train, and car number 9 toward the middle of the train.
・be 〜ed:〜される(be + 過去分詞で受け身を表す)
Please be aware that movement between Cars number 8 and 9 is not possible.
・aware :(形容詞)気づいて、認識して
・be aware [that S’+V’] :that 以降を認識する (that節の主語[S]はmovement, 動詞[V]はis)
・between A and B : AとBの間 (前置詞betweenの後ろには名詞が来て、働きは形容詞か副詞になる。この文では直前の名詞movementを修飾しているので、形容詞である)
Thank you for using JR West. This is the Special Rapid service bound for ○○.
Stops after Kobe will be announced later.
・Thank you for 〜:〜をありがとうございます。
・bound for〜:〜行きの (発音:バウンド)
・be 〜ed:〜される(be + 過去分詞で受け身を表す)
We will be stopping at A, B, C and D before arriving at ○○.
・will be 〜ing:〜いたします (未来進行形で丁寧な表現になる)
We will soon be making a brief stop at A, station number A11.
Please exit on the right. After leaving A, we will be stopping at B.
・make a brief stop:短時間の停車をする
・exit:(自動詞)退去する、出て行く (自動詞とはつまり後ろに目的語(名詞)を必要としない動詞)
The train will sway upon arrival. Please hold on to a strap or a handrail.
・upon arrival:到着と同時に (upon/on〜:〜すると同時に)upon/onは前置詞。前置詞の後ろには名詞がくる
・hold on to〜:〜に掴まる
Transfer here for the ○○line.
The Special Rapid service departing at ten forty-five, bound for ○○ will be leaving from track five.
This train consists of 12 cars. Boarding locations are indicated by white triangles and number 5 through 12. Please form two lines to board the train. This train will be stopping at A, B, C and D.
The Special Rapid service (departing at ten forty-five, bound for ○○) will be leaving from track five.
主語=The special Rapid service
(departing at ten forty-five, bound for ○○)までは直前の名詞(The special Rapid service)を後ろから修飾している形容詞の働き
動詞=(will) be leaving
・consist of〜:〜から成り立つ、〜を構成する
This train is now operated approximately 3 minutes behind schedule. Please be patient.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
・approximately:(副詞)およそ (aboutの類義語。aboutに比べ硬い)(略語:approx)
・behind schedule:予定に遅れて
・Please be patient.:我慢してください
・patient:(形容詞)辛抱強い (名詞になると患者)
・apologize for 〜:〜のことで謝罪する
・any inconvenience:いかなる不便
つまり、We apologize for any inconvenience.=私たちは、いかなる不便に対しても謝罪します。=ご不便をおかけして申し訳ございません。
Attention please.
①Walking along the platform on the track side of the yellow tactile paving is extremely dangerous as you could be hit by a train.
It might also delay a train’s departure because safety must first be confirmed.
②When walking, please stay behind the yellow tactile paving.
Thank you for your cooperation.
① Walking along the platform on the track side of the yellow tactile paving is extremely dangerous as you could be hit by a train.
・walk along〜:〜を沿って歩く
・tactile:(形容詞)触知できる (発音:タクトォ)
<must first be confirmed:最初に確認されなければいけない>
② When walking, please stay behind the yellow tactile paving.
when -ing 〜,:〜する時、
<stay behind〜:〜の後ろにとどまる>
Attention please.
While on the train, please set your mobile phone to silent mode and refrain from making or taking calls.
・While on the train,:While you are on the train,の、”you are”が省略。
・set A to B:AをBに設定する (このtoは前置詞なので、後ろに名詞が来る)
・refrain from A:〜を控える (前置詞fromの後ろには名詞。動詞を置きたい時は動名詞〇〇ingにする)
・make calls/a call:電話をかける
・take calls/a call:電話を取る